The K-Cuts Taping System eCourse

This is and excerpt from our eCourse, it is for demonstrative purposes only.

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Remember to Mark Complete In order to receive credit for this chapter, and to move on to the next portion of the course, please remember to mark this chapter complete.

Combined Type/Cut Applications | Bunion

Like what you see so far?

How does the course work?

The K-Cuts Taping System eCourse is broken up into multiple sections. Our educational platform allows you to work at your own pace, repeat sections whenever you like and offers brief quizzes as you progress, to be certain you are acquiring all the knowledge you need before moving ahead. By layering our eCourse in this format, participants have thrived and excelled. We know you will too!

Earn Your Certification in Kinesiology Taping?

The K-Cuts Taping System eCourse special may be upgraded to include our certification. Once you complete the eCourse, those who purchased the upgrade options, will be able to move on to the certification portion of the eCourse. It consists of 65 multiple choice that are derived from both the eCourse and the recommended reading links provided along the way. Additionally, candidates will provide 9 evaluations of pre-selected applications and submit images of each completed application. The final step to complete the certification will be the submission of 2 video practicals that students will explain, in detail, the application being demonstrated. A successful passing grade of 80% is required in order to be able to download your certificate of completion, worth 16 NCTMB approved CE’s. Upon successful completion of this course, you will also be able to download your certification certificate and earn the designation of Certified Kinesiology Taping Specialist or CKTS™.

Didn’t pass the first time? No worries. We will work with you until you are confident, certified and on your way to a successful career as a CKTS™.

The K-Cuts Taping System eCourse is one of THE best on-line values out there. We have a combined 40 years of experience in the treatment room & teaching. We have taught classes across the US and Canada. One of our biggest regrets and challenges was trying to reach those of you who are not close to the typical large markets that commonly get live courses. We are so excited to be able to offer this unique and extraordinary learning experience to everyone, without anyone having to ever leave their homes.

Have you been searching for a modality that will compliment your manual therapy practice?

Are looking for a way to improve patient outcomes as well as overall compliance with your treatment strategy?

Do you want to earn extra revenue without having to do additional hours of work?

Do you want to increase public exposure about your practice?

At the conclusion of this eClass, practitioners will be able to use kinesiology taping to effectively enhance their clinical outcomes and therefor, overall patient satisfaction.

The K-Cuts Taping System Certification

This is NOT part of the actual Certification eCourse, it is for demonstrative purposes only.

Current Section Progress

Return to Main Course Page
Remember to Mark Complete In order to receive credit for this chapter, and to move on to the next portion of the course, please remember to mark this chapter complete.

Combined Type/Cut Applications | Bunion

Like what you see so far?
Register for our online eCourse and get started right now!

  • Hi-Definition Videos
  • Watch from anywhere
  • Mobile/Tablet Compatible
  • Step by Step guidance
  • 100's of Detailed illustrations
  • Over 30 Practical Applications
  • Great Compliance & Education Tool
  • Unlimited, Free Reviews

Now Only $79!

kcuts taping system eclass

Upgrades Available!

  • Get Certified
  • Earn 16 NCBTMB CE's
  • ...and more
kcuts taping system eclass
kcuts taping system eclass

Have you been searching for a modality that will compliment your manual therapy practice?

Are looking for a way to improve patient outcomes as well as overall compliance with your treatment strategy?

Do you want to earn extra revenue without having to do additional hours of work?

Do you want to increase public exposure about your practice?

At the conclusion of this eClass, practitioners will be able to use kinesiology taping to effectively enhance their clinical outcomes and therefor, overall patient satisfaction.

How does the course work?

The K-Cuts Taping System eCourse is broken up into multiple sections. Our educational platform allows you to work at your own pace, repeat sections whenever you like and offers brief quizzes as you progress, to be certain you are acquiring all the knowledge you need before moving ahead. By layering our eCourse in this format, participants have thrived and excelled. We know you will too!

Earn Your Certification in Kinesiology Taping?

The K-Cuts Taping System eCourse special may be upgraded to include our certification. Once you complete the eCourse, those who purchased the upgrade options, will be able to move on to the certification portion of the eCourse. It consists of 65 multiple choice that are derived from both the eCourse and the recommended reading links provided along the way. Additionally, candidates will provide 9 evaluations of pre-selected applications and submit images of each completed application. The final step to complete the certification will be the submission of 2 video practicals that students will explain, in detail, the application being demonstrated. A successful passing grade of 80% is required in order to be able to download your certificate of completion, worth 16 NCTMB approved CE’s. Upon successful completion of this course, you will also be able to download your certification certificate and earn the designation of Certified Kinesiology Taping Specialist or CKTS™.

Didn’t pass the first time? No worries. We will work with you until you are confident, certified and on your way to a successful career as a CKTS™.

The K-Cuts Taping System eCourse is one of THE best on-line values out there. We have a combined 40 years of experience in the treatment room & teaching. We have taught classes across the US and Canada. One of our biggest regrets and challenges was trying to reach those of you who are not close to the typical large markets that commonly get live courses. We are so excited to be able to offer this unique and extraordinary learning experience to everyone, without anyone having to ever leave their homes.

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If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us a message!

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