The K-Cuts Taping System Certification

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Combined Type/Cut Applications | ITB Syndrome

The Learn2Tape Kinesiology Taping System eCourse consists of multiple chapters and lessons working their way from an introduction to Kinesiology Taping, background and instructions on our taping system, various quizzes, resources and varying applications. Some of the concepts discussed in this lesson that you may not grasp yet are covered in earlier parts of our eCourse.

The K-Cuts Taping System Certification

Combined Type/Cut Applications | ITB Syndrome

The Learn2Tape Kinesiology Taping System eCourse consists of multiple chapters and lessons working their way from an introduction to Kinesiology Taping, background and instructions on our taping system, various quizzes, resources and varying applications. Some of the concepts discussed in this lesson that you may not grasp yet are covered in earlier parts of our eCourse.
abmp kinesiology taping

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  • Get Certified!
  • Up to 16 NCTMB Approved CE’s
  • Hi-Definition Videos
  • Watch from anywhere
  • Mobile/Tablet Compatible
  • Online Certification Exam
  • Unlimited, Free Reviews

Learn how to tape and GET CERTIFIED right from home!

Get certified in Kinesiology Taping for only $249 $189!

You know what it is. It’s that crazy colorful tape that your see on professional athletes and Olympians. Kinesiology tape is the fastest growing rehab solution in the heath care market today.

Now you can become a Certified Kinesiology Taping Specialist (CKTS™) without ever having to leave your home or practice. The K-Cuts Taping System Certification eCourse is the first of its kind home study program to offer you the most comprehensive means of understanding the amazing world of kinesiology taping. The K-Cuts Taping System eCourse offers you the ultimate educational experience. Unlike other on-line courses that simply run a camera from the back of the room and expect the viewer to get the same experience as the live participant, we took the time to be sure that you feel like you’re actually in the classroom, providing you the best seat in the room. We will periodically step away from the classroom to work with you one on one in the treatment room as well as guide you through up close and personal applications of over 30 common and complicated conditions we most frequently see.

Use Coupon Code: FBA60


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