Acute Effects of Kinesio Taping on Lumbar Paraspinal Muscles

When we have therapists become recently certified through us, we are excited for them. We know that adding the use and functionality of kinesiology taping into your practice will not only provide your patients with additional support but will provide you with a tool that improves outcomes and patient compliance. One of the things we are constantly preaching is the importance of following and sharing the scientific research that trickles out. Granted not all studies are solid and others are of just a small sample, which we are hopeful will evolve into more inclusive, larger studies.

A recent study published in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance and Elastography concluded there was a significant decrease in the muscle stiffness value between taping and reference sides. This study is further evidence that layering the use of kinesiology tape as a Muscle Application to help in reducing tone in the erectors for someone who may be experiencing back pain, is a great way to add yet another dimension to your treatment plans.