Kinesiology Tape can Reduce Pain!

The debates still continue about the efficacy of kinesiology tape.  I understand that the noise on this subject is a bit louder for me than it is for others, but none the less, I am constantly being asked if it really works. As much as I know people who ask me this don’t like my response, I always keep it the same; it depends.  That sounds like I’m deflecting a confident response in the affirmative, but I can only answer this question with what I know and what I have done.  That is the only evidence I have to offer.  However, when it comes to using the kinesiology tape for something as common as a myofascial trigger point (MTrPT) or to keep this conversation lite; A ‘tender point’, I have almost never had a patient report anything but a positive response to this application.

Consider the means in which we are constantly reminding you to use kinesiology tape.  The tape acts as an extension of your hands.  The patient typically reports a feeling like they are taking your hands with them when they leave.  An application as simple as a Pain Application for a tender point is about as simple as it comes when using tape effectively.

You have just spent the last 60 minutes reducing tone is some tissues and increasing tone in others.  Along the way you stumble across your typical mine field of tender points.  After addressing these areas and getting the tissue responses you were seeking, why just leave to chance that the tender points may flare up a few hours later.

In a recent study found in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, authors evaluated the immediate and short-term effect of kinesio taping application on myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) in the upper trapezius and gastrocnemius muscles. They demonstrated that a kinesio taping application positioned directly above the MTrPs may prevent an increase in sensitivity (decrease in PPT) immediately after application and prevent further sensitization up to 24 h later. The fact that two different muscles were similarly affected by the kinesio taping application, confirmed that the results were not in error.

We have a lot to learn about many things in the field of physical medicine.  Why not use some the tools that may not only help your patients out of pain, but may also be used to educate patients how to care for themselves, too?